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Literature & Stories

     The power of stories is that they 'sneak past the guard of our senses' and open our eyes to give us new insight into the way of the true, the good, and the beautiful. In this, as C.S. Lewis saw it, they baptize our imaginations. As a result, much of our art is inspired by the stories that have nurtured our souls, and the truths that we have glimpsed through them. Now we see in a mirror dimly, but one day...well, the story will end in the best way.

About Our Leather


"Earth's crammed with heaven and every common bush afire with God, but only he who sees takes off his shoes. The rest sit around and pluck blackberries." - Elizabeth Barret Browning


   The glory of the Lord as displayed in creation all around us is a constant theme woven into the work of our hands. That glory, diffused throughout nature, has the power to heal and restore our souls, and, like the best kind of stories, opens our eyes to see.

The Final Result

Our artwork is  inspired by our journey towards true education, and is meaningfully brought into place to reflect the glory that we have been touched by along the way. We have a desire to see the reaching of hearts, the tending of souls, and the reawakening of vision and purpose in our rich heritage.

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